Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Scourge of Spyware

The World-Wide Web is a new frontier, full of limitless opportunity. The parallels with California in the 19th century are many and striking. It's another Gold Rush - and much, much bigger!

But there's another parallel to that time and place: Lawlessness. Since the Internet doesn't really "live" anywhere, it is in many ways not subject to the law of the land - ANY land.

One of the most common "bad-guy" tools is spyware - software that is loaded into your computer without your knowledge or consent. Some of it is simply malicious; but much of it is designed to steal.

What does spyware steal? Passwords; money; secrets; your identity; your computer resources; and that's just for starters. It is invasive, destructive, larcenous, and sneaky.

This blog is devoted to discussing the challenges posed by spyware - and the approaches that are available for dealing with it.


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